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Personal consequences of world war ii  Now in 3rd Edition

Life after world war ii

book cover - world war ii pictures - world war ii battlesAfter Voice from the Stars, the sequel to Voice from the stars, a Pathfinder's Story, details the wartime effects of Tom Scotland, an Australian pilot. The Pathfinder pilot who led others during world war ii battles over Europe, now finds himself dealing with personal battles.

Remembering pictures of world war ii

Needing to survive, physically and emotionally, Tom and his wife Laurel use this book to contribute an expose on a marriage which brought them healing and understanding out of pain and chaos.

Remembering world war ii battles

Tom confronted his world war ii battles in Voice from the Stars. That enabled he and Laurel to create a very personal, very moving story in a sequel. Learn more about world war ii battles. View pictures of world war ii. After Voice from the Stars is a must read now in 3rd edition!

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To find out more,
autobiography | RAFpathfinder history | RAF (Royal Air Force) | world war ii story
personal consequences of world war ii | personal pictures of world war ii