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eagle image - an autobiography
an autobiography
Voice from the Stars, a Pathfinder's Story
now in its seventh printing 2013

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Compassionate autobiography of an Australian pilot and his crew flying through 62 operations with a Pathfinder Squadron of the RAF.  Share the feelings engendered in Tom Scotland and his flyers during the violence and the superaction into which they are thrust.
This is a very personal autobiography commencing as the pilot grew up in depression years in Western Australia. During wartime flights he and his British crew experienced many near disasters including escape from a burning aircraft over England.
Running through the autobiography, a thread is detected of a man on a search. It is a search for the meaning of existence, the purpose of life and death and the Voice which brought him answers in the most unexpected times and places. Cartoon drawings by one of the flyers add humour to this rivetting autobiography.

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Price $25.00 Australian - Go to SECURE ORDER FORM

DISK of Pathfinder Photos

Fly with the Pathfinders

            Tom Scotland DFC 

read this wonderful autobiography
To find out more,
autobiography | RAFpathfinder history | RAF (Royal Air Force) | world war ii story
personal consequences of world war ii | personal world war ii pictures

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