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Welcome to THE SEQUEL
AFTER:Voice from the Stars  3rd Edition
by Tom and Laurel Scotland,  Perth, Western Australia

click here to preview this bookThis absorbing sequel answers the question people asked after reading the popular 'Voice from the Stars a Pathfinder's Story', "but what happened after?"

The Pathfinder, who led others during air battles over Europe, now finds himself in new battles for survival, physically and emotionally. The wartime effects on the newly weds enables the couple in this book to contribute an exposeŽ on a marriage which brought them healing and understanding out of pain and chaos.

Join them both as they find their way through, then go on to leave security and a well- paid, comfortable lifestyle to embrace a vision that brought understanding and change to thousands during war and peace in Asia.  Tom, ex pathfinder pilot and civil engineer, with Laurel, a nurse, secretary and mother of three boys  have spent their lives in the interest of others. picture of Tom and Laurel - from Western Australia

Tom confronted his war years in 'Voice from the Stars'. That enabled he and Laurel to combine and produce this very moving story in a sequel.

arrow image - author from Perth Australia
BOOKS $22.00 Australian - SECURE ORDERING

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Also a Video Page where Tom speaks about his experience 

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autobiography | RAFpathfinder history | RAF (Royal Air Force) | world war ii story
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